Every Shabbos, we ask Hashem multiple times to give us our portion in His Torah, “ותן חלקנו בתורתך". Rav Avigdor Nevenzahl Shlit”a explains that every yid has his own personal chelek in the Torah HaKedosha, a chelek that is incomparable to any other’s. Each of us is tasked to uncover that chelek during our lifetime, and the Ribono Shel Olam - in His infinite goodness - has bentched us with the unique kochos necessary to attain our own chelek in the Torah.
In Yeshiva Gadlus HaTorah, we nurture each bachur’s unique strengths and talents to push him to find his chelek in the Torah and Klal Yisroel. We help him cultivate his strengths in his learning and midos. Under the warm guidance and tutelage of the rebbeim, each bachur is pushed to grow in his learning and realize his incredible potential and greatness. The Torah was equally given to all, no matter if you are learning in a full day Yeshiva or in a hybrid Yeshiva.
It is my heartfelt tefilla that all talmidim who enter our beis medrash should bring the words of ותן חלקנו בתורתך to fruition, find their chelek and be a source of nachas to HaKadosh Baruch Hu.
יוסף לוי
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